Sunday, October 13, 2013


Part 1: Synthesizing Biofuel

In this practical, we attempted to synthesize biofuel using corn oil. Corn oil is a triglyceride, made of glycerol molecules joined to three fatty acid chains by ester linkages.

Molecular structure of corn oil

The process of creating a biofuel is from corn oil is known as transesterification - transforming corn oil (an ester) into biofuel (another ester).

> Add 100 m1 of corn oil into a 500 ml beaker
> In a separate beaker add 55.0 ml of methanol and 22.5 ml of 0.1 M NaOH solution.
> Place the beaker of corn oil on a hot plate, heat until 60 degrees Celsius
> Add the mixture from step 2 in eight phases, leaving 5 min between each phase. The temperature of the reaction mixture should be kept between 60 and 70 degrees Celsius to prevent it from spurting
> Let the mixture cool and separate over a week
> Place in a separating funnel and discard the lower layer (glycerol)
> Add 10 ml of 0.1 M acetic acid and invert the separating funnel gently 5 times
> Discard the lower layer
> Repeat the extraction step using 10 ml of distilled water
> Pour the the washed biofuel into a 100 ml beaker. Heat at 70-80 degrees Celsius for 10-15 min to evaporate the residual water.

Calculations for percentage yield
% yield = mass of dry biofuel/mass of corn oil x 100
= 69.84/89.26 x 100
= 78.2% (3sf)

NB: the final mass of the dry biofuel is lower than the actual value as spillage occurred during experimentation

Part 2: Determining the efficiency of fuels

In this demonstration, our teacher showed us how the efficiency of fuels can be determined by enthalpy changes.

> Place 2 pieces of cotton wool at into a crucible
> Measure 10 ml of chosen fuel and pour into the crucible
> Measure 10 ml of distilled water into a clean 50 ml beaker
> Fix the beaker above the crucible using a retort stand
> Measure the initial temperature of the distilled water
> Ignite the fuel with a lighted splint and start the stopwatch
> Adjust the height of the beaker such that it is above the tip of the flame
> After 2 minutes, record the temperature of the water
> Extinguish the flame by covering it with a wire gauze with ceramic center


Initial temperature/˚C
Final temperature/˚C
Temperature change/˚C

NB: Water reached boiling point in < 2 min when methanol was used as a fuel

Calculations for enthalpy change
We need to find the enthalpy (heat) change of water caused by one mole of fuel to determine its efficiency.

Enthalpy change of water = mass of water (kg) x specific heat capacity of water (kJ/ kg K) x change in temperature (˚C or K)
q = mc∆T

NB: ˚C and K have same unit intervals and are interchangeable with reference to change in temperature
NB: specific heat capacity of water = 4.181 kJ/ kg K

q (= mc∆T)
0.01 x 4.181 x 44 =1.83964 kJ
0.01 x 4.181 x 69 =2.88489 kJ

Since we want to calculate the enthalpy change of water caused per mole of fuel, we need to calculate the amounts of fuel in moles.

Density of cyclohexane = 779.00 kg/m3
Mass of 10 ml of cyclohexane = 779 x 10/100x 1000 = 7.79 g
No. of moles of cyclohexane (C6H12) = 7.79/ (6 x 12.0 + 12 x 1.0) = 0.092738 mol

Density of methanol = 791.30 kg/m3
Mass of 10 ml of methanol = 791.3 x 10/1003 x 1000 = 7.931 g
No. of moles of methanol (CH3OH) = 7.931/ (12.0 + 4 x 1.0 + 16.0) = 0.24728 mol

Enthalpy change per mol (kJ/mol) (3sf)
1.83964 ÷ 0.092378 = 19.9
2.88489 ÷ 0.24728 = 11.7

Conclusion: Cyclohexane is the more efficient fuel

Sources of error
- Boiling point of water cannot exceed 100˚C and would affect the accuracy of measurement for methanol.
- Heat lost to surroundings
- Incomplete combustion of fuel due to insufficient oxygen
- Flame was extinguished after 2 min, hence not all the fuel was combusted

Image of triglyceride. Retrived from
Image of corn oil molecule. Retrieved from

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